Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Lab Tasks Related to Project Management
Question: Discuss about theLab Tasks Related to Project Management. Answer: Lab No 10 Task 4: Team management is a complicated process. While handling the teams of professional purpose one has to deal with a number of things which may or may not be professional. Many a times, the people of the teams make different decisions. Also, they are not able to convince others during these scenarios. This leads to the creation of a heavy atmosphere within the team. The people begun to enter into quarrel with one another which also disturbs the environment of the team (Alotaibi Mafimisebi, 2016). Though all the members of the team have a view to do something good and fair for the project completion but because of the difference in opinion there are certain issues. In addition to this, one comes across a situation where the projects have to be completed with limited budget. Other problems which the manager of the team has to face are the effective implementation and management of the different challenges faced by the team (Atkinson, 1999). As a manager of the company, I need to make sure that there are no budget issues in the project. In the application development, the company Code Corp has to increase the cost estimate by $100000. Being a manager, this is a difficult situation for me. Code Corp Company is the core developer of the software and is directly involved in the process of project completion. Also, he has each and every detail of the code is with Code Corp only. Therefore, at this point of time, the developing company cant be changed as well. Though, Code Corp. is a good company but one needs to ensure that the project should not cost too high. In this case, there is a huge conflict among the different stakeholders of the project. Conflict 1) One conflict is there between the company and the Code Corp. Code corp. is mentioning that they need to provide much more effort and labor than what had been actually estimated by the company. The accused that the same is because of the fact that specifications were not provided completely. Under these conditions, I will first ask the finance team to do the budget analysis. This would include the analysis of the factors which had led to the increase in the budget. I would ask them to do the analysis, if the labor estimate initially was too low or the specifications werent provided correctly by the company. There will be analysis of the factors why the correct information wasnt sending to code corp., initially. Following this, if it is found that the wrong information had been send to the Code Corp, an investigation will be done on the team who did initial analysis and survey. I will also be asking the budget analysis team to do the proper analysis of the budget (Cleland Ireland, 2006). I will ensure that they find out that how much budget should be actually allocated to Code Corp Company. Also, I will ask the teams to analyze that how much amount can be paid to code corp. This would be done after each and every consideration such as I will also ensure that Code Corp. should be asked to lower down the budget estimate (Duncan, 1996). I will give them the information about the benefits which they can enjoy by developing the software for our team. If they are not convinced, we will also be giving them an offer for entering into the partnership with our company for this project. Conflict 2: The second conflict is because of the differences in the way people are working. They are not addressing to the different challenges which are to be faced by them. In order to resolve this issue, I will ensure that the teams work in a proper manner. I will make sure that each and every member is compliant to the rules and regulations and is also adhering to the different processes in the team. He/ She should show 100 % compliance for his work and completes each and every work on time and in a proper manner. If I find that the people are not their works seriously or leaving their jobs unfinished, I will be giving them an initial warning. Even after this, if it is found that a certain person is not being compliant still, they will be expelled from the organization. In order to handle any kind of conflict, I will initially be polite and will explain different people according to the wrong which they would have done. After this, I would take some harsh decisions. In order to convince the Code Corp, I would be using different strategies mentioned above ((Munns Bjeirmi, 1996). Lab 11: Task 1) Risk register may be defined as the scatter-plot which is used for the purpose of risk management and it acts as the repository for each and every risk which may be identified in case of the project. The risks which may be there in case of the application can be among the following: Estimation and Scheduling: One of the most important risks which may be there in the project is related to estimation and scheduling. Though the funds have been approved, but it is important that the code corp. company also completes the project within the given time frame and with best quality. Also it is important to ensure that the estimation of the amount given by Code Corp (Larson Gray, 201). should not be revised further. It has been very difficult to deal with the same once and no more changes can be made further. It is important that the teams of the company should ensure that the project is completed within the given deadline and in a proper manner. Compromise on design: It is important that when the final application will be delivered by Code Corp., there should be no compromise on its design. Sometimes, it has been observed that in order to complete the task within time, the developing company, intend to rush the process of design (Packendorff, 1995). This can be a waste in hours of programming as design proves to be a very important component of the development of the software. It should be ensured that the application is able to do the capture of the remote deposits in an efficient manner and it should not be the fact that the design of the project has been compromised. The final design should be completely as per the specifications. Environment Issues: One of the major issues which may be observed in the application is the environment issue. It is important that an application works properly in the production environment when millions or customers are using the application. There are certain times when the product may be working properly with limited number of users. But, whenever, there is lesser number of users, the application may fail to process. It is important that in the project, there isnt any issue with respect to the environment. Technical risk: Sometimes, it may be observed that the companies may reduce the overall functionality of the software in order to compensate for the overruns. This may lead to higher budget later on (Burke, 2013). There may be times when the conflict is observed between the functionality and the peak performance of the software. In order to get more profit, code corp may also reduce the functionality in the application. It is important to ensure that everything should be checked properly. No change in System configuration: It is assumed that there should not be any change required in the system configuration after the development and installation of the application. Remote sensing beyond the given distance: It is assumed that the remote sensing application would be working fine for the distances of around 10000 kilometers. But they may also work more than this. Therefore, it will be a positive risk. Task 2: Risk Matrix Analysis for the Risks: IMPACT Trivial Minor Moderate Major Extreme Rare Unlikely Technical risk Compromise on design Moderately Estimation and Scheduling Likely No change in System configuration Very Likely Remote sensing beyond the given distance Environment Issues Task 3: Each and every project has certain amount of risks associated with the same. But it is important ensure that the same risks should be handled in such a manner that it should not have any impact on the completion of the project. The response for the risks should be in a proper manner so as to minimize the risks which are there in the project. In order to handle the risk related to estimation and scheduling a clause will be added to the contract. This will make sure that there is no change at all in the completion of the project deadline and also the quality of the project. Also, fines would be levied on code corp. if the deadline of the project is missed and the same is not completed within the given duration of time. In order to respond to the risk regarding the compromise in design, the design team will do the complete analysis of the project design and will also observe the development process in a proper manner. The environment issues can be responded by ensuring that Code corp itself does the completion of the entire design by testing for more than 10 million customers (Zhang, 2016). They will have to ensure that the application works fine in the live environment as well. In order to avoid the technical risk, each and every segment of the application will be given a fixed space in the memory. This will ensure that there is no technical risk and the app can work properly even at its peak. References Alotaibi, A.B. and Mafimisebi, O.P., 2016. Project Management Practice: Redefining Theoretical Challenges in the 21st Century.Project Management,7(1). Atkinson, R., 1999. Project management: cost, time and quality, two best guesses and a phenomenon, its time to accept other success criteria.International journal of project management,17(6), pp.337-342. Burke, R., 2013. Project management: planning and control techniques.New Jersey, USA. Cleland, D.L. and Ireland, L.R., 2006.Project management. McGraw-Hill Professional. Duncan, W.R., 1996. A guide to the project management body of knowledge. Munns, A.K. and Bjeirmi, B.F., 1996. The role of project management in achieving project success.International journal of project management,14(2), pp.81-87. Larson, E.W. and Gray, C.F., 2011. Project management: The managerial process. Meredith, J.R. and Mantel Jr, S.J., 2011.Project management: a managerial approach. John Wiley Sons. Packendorff, J., 1995. Inquiring into the temporary organization: new directions for project management research.Scandinavian journal of management,11(4), pp.319-333. Zhang, Y., 2016. Selecting risk response strategies considering project risk interdependence.International Journal of Project Management,34(5), pp.819-830.
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