Thursday, December 12, 2019

Essay on Acceptance and Diversity free essay sample

Diversity and Acceptance in this Generation In this generation, everyone is about acceptance and diversity. They’re about helping others find cures. They’re about finding diversity in communities and learning about acceptance. We are all of those things, but our parents, well, they’re a different story. It can affect the children of this generation when it comes to their preferences, referring to interracial dating, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, etc. Because there are so many teens out there that are bullied and feel alone because they don’t date the â€Å"ideal† race or sex. Who’s to say we can’t? They try to bring God into the equation. Well, god put us all here didn’t he? Who’s to say that’s part of his plan, for his sons and daughters to find acceptance with each other, in ways not thought possible? Diversity: the condition of having or being composed of differing elements: variety; especially: the inclusion of different types of people (as people of different races or cultures) in a group or organization. We will write a custom essay sample on Essay on Acceptance and Diversity or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page We are all diverse. We come in different shapes, sizes, and colors. We should be able to love who loves us back at the same capacity, who cares the most about us, and who can do the most for us, with us being able to do all the same for them. Whether it be the same sex, a different race, someone taller, someone fluffier, etc. With the population growing to such large masses, there is definitely going to be diversity. It should be greatly expected. Unfortunately, people are acting like they’re not prepared. For example, Chik-fil-a, a booming restaurant with great food and a big chain, has said they don’t support gay marriage. By saying that, people can now assume that anyone who eats there has the same opinion. That’s astonishing isn’t it? How one person can state their opinion towards such a strong war and it affects anyone and everyone who eats there. Have these people not heard of hate crimes? What if a person that preferred the same sex decided one day, that they want to shoot everyone in a local chik-fil-a just because they can assume that all those people are against gays? All those people that were just EATING are now victims of a hate crime because some idiot can’t accept others. Acceptance: a persons assent to the reality of a situation, recognizing a process or condition (often a negative or uncomfortable situation) without attempting to change it, protest, or exit. The concept is close in meaning to acquiescence, derived from the Latin acquiescere (to find rest in). I believe that anyone in this world should be able to walk down the street with their loved ones and not have to worry about getting treated differently than everyone else. For example, my boyfriend is mixed and I am white. We wanted to go on date, right? We were going to go on a picnic at a local park. I have never seen my mom more worried. What was she worried about, you may wonder? She was worried someone would see us, no one in-particular, just someone who doesn’t accept our diversity. She was worried they would find a little more anger in the fact we were accepting that we weren’t the same color, but we still can love just as much as two white people or two black people. I think that’s crazy that I can’t go into public with him without my mom worrying about the looks we’ll get or the stares or the whispers. You may wonder, why would I put myself in that position, to be treated like that? My answer; because no matter who you are, what you look like, or the skin god put you in, you still have something in common with everyone else: you’re a human being. You feel love, hate, anger, and sadness. You’re permitted to love and be loved back by whoever god created just for you, whether they be black, white, hispanic, indian, japanese, fat, skinny, tall, short, a brunette or a blonde, boy or girl. To possess the ability to accept anyone for whatever they may be, I believe, is the most power any human being walking on this earth can possess, and with that, you have acceptance of diversity.

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